MRO Spares Parts Master Data Auditing & Cleansing


A prerequisite of attending this workshop is that you must have attended the 3-5 days MRO Optimisation & Inventory Cost Reduction workshop.

This workshop builds on the 3-5 days course, but teaches the delegates how to audit and cleanse their company’s cataloguing data.

The same concepts can be used to audit and cleanse equipment master data and PM data.

This is very much a hands-on workshop and the delegates must have MS Access installed on their lap top.


As a result of attending this workshop delegates will be able to:

  • Audit the quality of their inventory cataloguing data
  • Begin to cleanse the data, using different techniques
  • Build other applications in MS Access, such as equipment and PM data analysis

Topic 1: Overview Auditing MRO Spare Parts Management

Delegates' Issues with Master Data
MRO Auditing approaches, areas we can audit
Typical inconsistencies we find when auditing master data

Topic 2: Auditing MRO Spare Parts Master Data

Refresher of the 10-step cataloguing process, e.g.

  • Define naming formatting
  • Develope rules for Mfg’s Part/Nos, dimensions, abbreviations
  • Define strategies i.e. who to buy from - OEMs, Vendors, specialist company
  • Create upload file and quality checks

Many examples collected from our numerous studies will be shown

Topic 3: Document the Cataloguing Process

Benchmark against best practice requirement
Scope of procedures and guides for auditing & cleansing
Define key attributes for common material
Create type guides

Topic 4: MS Access Level 1 - Basic Use

Overview with hands on practice
Create tables, queries including append queries
Join tables
Import MRO download data

Topic 5: MS Access Level 2 - Medium

Find and count duplicates
Parametric queries
Create forms
Create a data upload table
Count field length
Find and replace function
Make unique lists (Nouns, Mfg, Vendors, etc)
Create Forms

Topic 6: Auditing Your Company's Data

Import and append your data into MS Access
Develop Noun or Noun/Modifier queries
Audit your data
Summarise your findings

Topic 7: Approaches to Data Cleansing

Use queries to find and replace updating individual line items
Build a standardised part description look up table based on MPNs
Build a template part description also as a look up table based on a Template_id

Topic 8: Cleansing Your Company's Data

Pick items of interest, e.g. bearings
Define the data standard (part description, noun)
Cleanse the existing short descriptions
What to do when key data is missing

Topic 9: Rationalisation

Identify potential for standardisation

Topic 10: Developing BOMs

An effective approach using MS Accesss

Topic 11: Assigning Prioritisation Classifications

Assign ABC, Demand Classes, Inventory Value
Spend Analysis

Topic 12: Developing an Implementation Plan

Combine the two models presented, (10 Step Cataloguing and 6 phase Improvement programme) into a single implementation model
Discuss the key steps

Course Review and Delegates Action Plans

Who Should Attend
Maintenance Managers, Engineers
CMMS super users and Analysts
Anyone involved in creating or updating spare parts data in the CMMS